I have worked extensively in the commercial and curatorial archaeological sectors and provide heritage planning advice and services to a wide range of clients, including landowners, developers and local planning authorities. I also act as an expert witness in planning appeals, court cases and Public Inquiries. If you would like to discuss how I might be able to help with your heritage planning requirements please contact me using this form.
Heritage Impact Assessment
I produce Heritage Statements, Heritage Impact Assessments and Archaeological Desk-based Assessments for proposed developments, including recommendations for archaeological mitigation strategies.
Expert Witness Testimony
I provide expert witness testimonies for planning appeals, boundary disputes, court cases and Public Inquiries, including the preparation of Statements of Case, Proofs of Evidence and giving oral evidence at hearings.
Historic Building Recording
I undertake historic building recording (HBR) to Historic England Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 specifications, including drawn and photographic surveys, historical and cartographic research, analysis and interpretation.